You’ve heard the saying, “Form over function”; but for your website visitors, form is a part of function. A web form is something that looks easy; but is difficult to get right. But here’s an excellent blogpost on “The 10…
You’ve heard the saying, “Form over function”; but for your website visitors, form is a part of function. A web form is something that looks easy; but is difficult to get right. But here’s an excellent blogpost on “The 10…
“To know your code editor is to know the force”, Yoda would have said if he was a web developer. 🙂 But seriously, the faster you can wrangle code and data with you code editor, the more productive you’ll be…
This week’s nugget is for inspiration and is a TEDTalks video featuring Roman Mars, host of the popular “99% Invisible” podcast. He shares flag design principles and highlights the good, bad, and ugly of city flags. You just might be…
Mac only: Sometimes it’s a pain working with text and extracting data from it. It’s tedious and easy to make a typo or miss a snippet of data. Let’s do something about that.
FirehoseProject: For the past couple of weeks I’ve been following lessons to build my Splurty app, but was feeling kinda lost because I wasn’t understanding how its different pieces fit together.
Fun: Instead of tapping on your computer keyboard, let’s mix things up and use it to play classical music, shall we?
Find your center. Breathe. Nope, we ain’t in a yoga studio. Just testing out this new CSS centering tool. 🙂
Sorry, homey. I failed to write blogposts for you for the last 2 Saturdays (thus, the sad dog pic). But there’s an interesting development.
Flash for animated background gradients?! We don’t need no stinking Flash. We have CSS3 and a nifty tool called CSS Gradient Animator that makes it a cinch.
Mac only: Sketch is a great tool that’s become quite popular (also one of my fave apps). This week’s blip highlights a cool blogpost that shares meaty shortcuts and GIF’s to make working in Sketch even faster.