Amazon’s web services have a great reputation and are used by big companies to host their web apps. But man, are the services’ names confusing; and there’s a boatload of ’em, too. It’s a mess really; but good news, it’s…
Amazon’s web services have a great reputation and are used by big companies to host their web apps. But man, are the services’ names confusing; and there’s a boatload of ’em, too. It’s a mess really; but good news, it’s…
If it’s time to give your website a refresh, here’s a font web app that you’ll like. It’s called TypeWonder, and it let’s you preview a website with a different font.
Today we’re talking CSS layouts—bleeding edge version. Specifically CSS Grid Layout. Grids are one of the best tools for designers to organize content beautifully and give visitors meaningful context; but implementing them in CSS is cumbersome at best. That’ll change…
Sublime Text 3 is my go-to code editor these days; and while it’s great out-of-the-box, you can customize it to make it fit your workflow a bit better. In this blogpost, we’re going to cover a little bit about customizing…
While surfing the interwebs, I came across this video series about functional programming with Javascript by Mattias Petter Johansson. I liked them because he explains concepts at a easy-to-follow pace with clear examples and a smattering of humor here and…
Screenhero is my hero! (Brilliant tagline, I know) What makes Screenhero great is that it makes remote pair-programming dead simple and is more than simple screensharing like in Skype or Google Hangouts. I’ve tried it out recently and will explain…
Slack got yo back. Released in 2013, the Slack app has been making waves as an awesome chat and collaboration tool for teams and businesses. Some might even dare say it will eliminate email. But to really power it up,…
FirehoseProject: If you’re learning to code, here’s a cool website where you can practice your coding chops: Codewars. You’re almost guaranteed to see a novel way of solving a problem.
Man, am I going through this: “The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.” And no, I don’t know who said that (see what I did there?). It can be overwhelming, but there are some key…
Photoshop CC just gotta big update with multiple art boards. If you use Photoshop to help you design apps or design websites this can be a great new feature for you.