Now this is a rare event. The next WordCamp will be on February 13-14th, 2015 in Maui, HI (my nick of the woods, sort of).
Now this is a rare event. The next WordCamp will be on February 13-14th, 2015 in Maui, HI (my nick of the woods, sort of).
In this week’s post, Git and WordPress are coming together like ham and cheese (yummy!). I recently came across a series of videos by WordCamp speaker Amelia Briscoe showing how to set up Git’s awesome version control with WordPress.
It’s been a long time coming, but I finally got into Git! As the video explains, Git is a version control software that helps you to manage different versions of your files especially when you’re working with a team of…
If you’re a web developer, your browser’s developer tools are crucial to your workflow. Today’s nugget is about 7 recent Google Chrome Developer features that you may not know about and that may make your job a bit smoother.
From time immemorial, this question has continued to plague the minds of many a web designer: “How can I deliver only the most awesome-est images to a web browser?” There are so many different size screens and screen resolutions nowadays…
This is a cool, quick tip from the howchoo website. In Chrome Developer Tools, you can give it a dark theme. It’s similar to the color scheme in text editors like SublimeText, and it’s easier on the eyes if you’re…
Here’s a fun tool for creating cool radial gradients in CSS called draGGradients. Color me impressed (color pun, ha!)
An awesome page on shows why speed is king for websites. One statistic is that 74% of visitors would leave a mobile site if it takes over 5 seconds to load. That’s a lot of frustrated visitors and lost…
Mac only: Adobe has competition (Yay!). Some designers have switched to other apps that offer faster workflows and more intuitive tools. One of them is Sketch—one of my favorite apps.