Case Study on SoundCloud App

Screen Shot of Soundcloud case study

Hey, this is my first blogpost of 2016! Kewl. Today I’m sharing an meaty case study on SoundCloud’s app redesign.

While I was reading a blogpost about inspiration UX portfolios, Michael Nino Evensen‘s case study on the SoundCloud app caught my eye. He shares in depth how his team readjusted their audience focus, found the core purpose of their app, and prototyped. It gives a peek into app redesign; and their final result was a huge improvement over the old app. My takeaway: really know the core purpose of what you’re building and how it’ll be used.

Building SoundCloud | via Inspirational UX Design Portfolios

Posted in Inspiration, Tutorial

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This here fine blog is a collection of shiny things I've curated on my web travels. I'll be sharing a weekly nugget on—web design, marketing, cool tools, tech—and maybe a screencast or two.

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