If you’re a web developer, your browser’s developer tools are crucial to your workflow. Today’s nugget is about 7 recent Google Chrome Developer features that you may not know about and that may make your job a bit smoother.
If you’re a web developer, your browser’s developer tools are crucial to your workflow. Today’s nugget is about 7 recent Google Chrome Developer features that you may not know about and that may make your job a bit smoother.
From time immemorial, this question has continued to plague the minds of many a web designer: “How can I deliver only the most awesome-est images to a web browser?” There are so many different size screens and screen resolutions nowadays…
This week’s nugget is about making file renaming easier on Mac’s new OS Yosemite (‘cuz ain’t nawbody got time fo’ dat!). If you’re a photographer or have to regularly maintain a boatload of files, this is a handy tip from…
This is a cool, quick tip from the howchoo website. In Chrome Developer Tools, you can give it a dark theme. It’s similar to the color scheme in text editors like SublimeText, and it’s easier on the eyes if you’re…
It looks like we have another software vulnerability on our hands called ShellShock putting tons of Mac and Linux computers and servers at risk. Thankfully there are some things we can do about it.
Here’s a fun tool for creating cool radial gradients in CSS called draGGradients. Color me impressed (color pun, ha!)
We’re keeping things playful in this post. If you found the pen tool to be mysterious, check out this little game that introduces you to it and helps you practice. It’s called “The Bézier Game”.
Yikes! If you’re a Gmail user, please check if your Gmail password has been leaked. According to a blogpost from Lifehacker, about 5 million Gmail account passwords were divulged on a Russian Bitcoin forum. Fortunately there are a few tools…
An awesome page on Kinsta.com shows why speed is king for websites. One statistic is that 74% of visitors would leave a mobile site if it takes over 5 seconds to load. That’s a lot of frustrated visitors and lost…